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Student Council X Faculty Members meeting

Updated: Jan 12, 2021

Senior/Junior Student Council members had the first meeting with faculty members over dinner!

Faculty members, including professor Min Soon Hong, Professor Andres Guiral, Sylvia Hye Sun Yang, andLee Kangwook invited senior and junior student council to have dinner on October 15th. Faculty members gave a warm welcome to the new student council members. Following a strict COVID prevention orders, Faculty members and Student Council have selected the venue with a separated space and masks were worn by the participants all the time except in absolutely necessary situations.

After exchanging brief introduction session, we had a casual chat over dinner. After the pleasant meal, the student council raised a couple of suggestions to the faculty, including future activities planning and COVID-19 restriction guideline etc. Professor Min carefully listened to our requests, and he promised he would take a close look at the matters.

Although due to ongoing COVID-19 situation, there are limitations on actions that Yonsei GMBA could take. For example, Jeju Leadership Experiential Course Trip has been officially cancelled unfortunately. However, Professor Min pledged to discuss several issues positively, and he kept his promise by sending us the small amount of scholarship notice a couple of days ago compensating the Jeju Leadership trip cancellation!! There are other issues to be addressed soon, such as long overdue MT, securing study rooms for students, and we will keep you updated if there is any progress.

Even in this unprecedented event, Yonsei GMBA is moving forward to provide the best experience possible for students. And Student Council will be a bridge between students and faculty for seamless communication.

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