1. What made you choose Yonsei for your MBA program?
I have always wanted to pursue an MBA in Asia so I had a few countries such as Singapore in mind but when I formally researched the various MBA programs, I was drawn towards Yonsei, which stated business is its core and creativity, integrity, and global perspective as its vision. Though I successfully secured admission to both Yonsei and Korea University, I realized that Yonsei’s approach of bringing in the best minds and intellect to enhance the quality and process of education would be able to further my knowledge better and hone my leadership skills. So, I ultimately chose Yonsei.
2. How have you been coping with being in a different country and not with your classmates for the program?
It has been difficult to say the least. When you are enrolled in one of the most prestigious universities in the country, you want to experience the campus life and gain knowledge firsthand. Not to forget how the beautiful campus only adds to the desires of being there but what has truly made it easy is the immense support given by my professors and classmates. I still remember how back in semester 1 for one of our group projects, our team decided to run through the presentation a day before class but due to the time difference, it would have been at 5:30 in the morning for me so they rescheduled our meeting for a couple of hours later. Such gestures of kindness stay with you for a long time. I also stay in touch with my classmates through Kakaotalk and Instagram so I’ve become very good friends with a few of them. It’s nice being a part of their lives even if it’s virtually for now.
3. How long have you been a guest writer for KOCIS? How do you find inspiration for new articles?
My journey with KOCIS started back in March 2020 when the pandemic hit my country and we went into lockdown. Amid all the chaos and confusion, being given the opportunity to promote South Korea on a global scale by the Korean ministry was one of the happiest things that happened to me. When you are drawn towards a country and its culture, it’s not hard to find inspiration. I like to believe that one can find inspiration from both others and self. Here I’ve had the chance to connect with guest writers from other countries sharing the same passion so that again opens up a plethora of ideas.
Currently, I’m working on an article which draws inspiration from a concept Professor Chang introduced us for a project in Advertising Management.
4. What is the first thing you would do if you could come to Korea right now?
Ah, there are so many things I would like to do like going to cafes with classmates but if I had to pick the first thing, I would honestly just go to campus. I was on a month-long trip to Korea before applying for the MBA program but I missed visiting the university so I would love to visit our Sinchon campus which looks especially beautiful in the Fall and take lots of pictures.